September 18, 2024

The True Essence of a University: Beyond Classrooms and Teachers

Professor Dr. Said Irandoust

Professor of Chemical Reaction Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden and the founding rector of the American University of Technology in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The True Essence of a University: Beyond Classrooms and Teachers

In recent years, Uzbekistan's higher education landscape has undergone significant transformation with the establishment of new universities across the country. These institutions boast modern facilities and a commitment to providing quality education. While such features are commendable, a university's true essence extends far beyond classrooms and teachers. A quality university nurtures holistic student development, fosters innovation, and serves as a center of intellectual and social progress.

This article aims to explore the core aspects of a quality university and how Uzbekistan's higher education institutions can embody these essential qualities. 

Being Student-Centered

A quality university prioritizes the needs of its students by focusing on employability, new business creation abilities, and lifelong learning. Career services, entrepreneurship support, and flexible learning options equip students with relevant skills for the modern workforce. By tailoring programs to industry/workplaces demands, universities ensure graduates can contribute immediately in their chosen fields.

It is reassuring that Uzbekistan's universities, such as the National University of Uzbekistan and Tashkent State University of Law, are increasingly investing in robust support systems to enhance student well-being and academic success. This student-centered approach ensures these universities remain relevant in shaping the future of their graduates.

Nurturing Holistic Student Development

The primary goal of a university is to educate and prepare students for their roles in society. This encompasses more than imparting subject knowledge; it involves nurturing critical thinking, creativity, and a sense of responsibility. Quality universities invest in students' overall growth by providing opportunities for exploration, extracurricular engagement, and the development of essential life skills.

Universities must prioritize students' well-being through counselling services, health and wellness programs, and mentorship. Strong mentorship programs help students navigate academic and career paths with guidance from experienced faculty and industry professionals.

It is promising that Uzbek universities are increasingly promoting holistic student development through counselling services, wellness programs, and support for students facing challenges. This approach ensures students graduate with knowledge, emotional resilience, and a sense of purpose.

Ensuring Accessible and Equitable Education

A quality university is committed to providing accessible and equitable education for all. This includes breaking down barriers such as financial constraints and geographical limitations. Scholarships, grants, and flexible learning options make education more attainable for a broader range of students. 

Leverage of technology, such as online learning platforms and distance education, can expand access to education for students in remote areas. This democratization of education can have far-reaching positive effects on society. 

In Uzbekistan, the rise of hybrid learning models during the pandemic showcased technology's potential in expanding access and flexibility for students across the country.

Utilizing the Latest Education Technology

Quality universities leverage the latest educational technology to support teaching and learning outcomes. By incorporating virtual classrooms, online learning platforms, and interactive teaching aids, universities enhance the educational experience for students.

Adaptive learning technologies provide personalized instruction based on students' strengths and weaknesses, leading to more effective learning and higher academic achievement. Additionally, universities can use artificial intelligence and data analytics to track student progress and identify areas where additional support may be needed.

Fostering Innovation and Research

A quality university is a hub of innovation and research. It encourages faculty and students to push the boundaries of knowledge and explore new frontiers. By fostering a culture of inquiry, universities contribute to societal and economic advancement.

Interdisciplinary research and collaboration can lead to ground-breaking projects addressing pressing challenges such as climate change, public health, poverty, and social justice. Universities play a pivotal role in developing innovative solutions and influencing policy decisions.

It is encouraging that Uzbek universities are forming partnerships with local industries and international institutions to facilitate collaborative research projects that address local and global challenges.

Building Strong Relationships with the Community

A real university is an integral part of the community it serves. Strong ties with local organizations, businesses, and government agencies enable universities to address community needs and challenges. Through community engagement initiatives, universities contribute to social and economic development and create mutually beneficial partnerships.

Universities should also actively participate in policy-making and advocacy, using their expertise to guide decisions impacting society. By shaping the future of their community, universities demonstrate a commitment to public service.

Moreover, universities play a key role in driving sustainable development within their communities. Through research on environmental issues and the promotion of green practices, universities can lead by example and encourage sustainable lifestyles among students and staff.

Serving as International Cultural and Intellectual Centers

Universities play a crucial role in preserving and promoting culture and heritage. As centers of intellectual discourse, they welcome diverse perspectives and facilitate debates on complex issues. Cultural events, lectures, and exhibitions enrich the community and foster open dialogue and exchange of ideas.

A quality university champions diversity and inclusivity by welcoming students, faculty, and staff from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. This multicultural environment enriches the learning process and cultivates a sense of global citizenship among students. Universities should aim for inclusivity in their curriculum design, teaching methods, and campus facilities. Inclusivity ensures that all students, faculty, and staff feel valued and supported, regardless of their background or identity.

Supporting arts and humanities programs and integrating them into all university offerings can further enriches the cultural fabric of society, providing students with deeper understandings of human experiences and histories while promoting empathy and tolerance.

It is inspiring that in Tashkent, universities have hosted international cultural festivals and academic conferences, enriching the cultural landscape and fostering global connections.

Promoting International Exchange and Networking

A quality university embraces the global aspect of education by fostering international exchange and networking opportunities. Study abroad programs, exchange initiatives, and collaborations with foreign institutions expose students and faculty to different cultures, perspectives, and academic approaches.

These experiences broaden students' horizons, preparing them for a globalized world where cross-cultural communication is essential. International collaborations can also lead to joint research projects, providing access to diverse resources and expertise.

Networking with peers and professionals worldwide opens new opportunities for students and faculty. Building these international connections enhances career prospects, collaborative projects, and contributes to a more interconnected world.

Upholding Academic Freedom and Integrity

Academic freedom and integrity are cornerstones of a quality university. Students and faculty must have the freedom to explore ideas, question assumptions, and engage in open discourse. Upholding academic integrity ensures research and scholarship are conducted with honesty and respect for ethical standards.

Universities should establish clear policies to address academic misconduct, reinforcing the importance of ethical behaviour and helping maintain the university's credibility.

Upholding Transparency and Accountability

Transparency in university operations builds trust and credibility. Universities should provide clear information about their policies, financial status, and decision-making processes. Openness helps stakeholders understand how resources are allocated and decisions are made.

Universities must also prevent corruption by implementing strict ethical standards and oversight. By upholding transparency and accountability, universities demonstrate a commitment to ethical practices and good governance.

Ensuring Efficiency and Effectiveness

Universities must strive for efficiency and effectiveness in operations. This involves optimizing resource allocation, streamlining processes, and focusing on continuous improvement. Efficient and effective practices help achieve educational and research goals, ensuring sustainability and long-term success.

Adopting best practices in teaching, learning, and administration maximizes impact and provides students with high-quality education.

Being People-Oriented

A quality university fosters a respectful and inclusive environment for students, faculty, and staff. This includes creating a safe and supportive workplace where everyone is treated with respect and dignity. Fostering a positive campus culture enhances overall well-being and productivity.

A people-oriented approach builds strong relationships among students, faculty, and staff, creating a collaborative and harmonious atmosphere on campus.


A real university is more than classrooms and teachers; it is a dynamic institution that plays a vital role in shaping society's future. It nurtures holistic student development, fosters innovation, and serves as a cultural and intellectual center. 

As Uzbekistan establishes new universities and expands its higher education sector, it is essential to focus on these core aspects to create institutions that truly embody the essence of a quality university. By doing so, we ensure our universities educate the next generation and guide them toward a brighter, more inclusive future. Through a commitment to excellence in education, research, and community engagement, universities can act as powerful catalysts for positive change and progress, leaving a lasting impact on society and shaping the world for generations to come. Uzbekistan deserves nothing less.

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